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Went Dumpster Diving Today

August 25th, 2010 at 10:30 pm

Well sort of. Before you get sick: I'll explain. Our county gives us large blue recycling bins on wheels that are collected every two weeks.

I had 2 CVS ECB rewards. One was for $5.00 and the other was for $2.50. The last I looked they were no where in my purse. I had been decluttering paper for the last week and a half so I went through everything in my house.

I put my plastic gloves on and went through my recycling bin today. My bin is pretty clean because I put all bottles in tied up recyclable bags and the paper is by itself. Nothing there. I gave up and went inside and went to the website and asked if you can get credit for lost ECB's . NO NO NO So, hold on to them. I finally had decided to give up and just call it a lesson. Way into the afternoon I looked under the couch in my office and saw a white paper ther. Guess what My two ECB's paper clipped together.

The $5. was such a sweet one because a lady in front of me didn't have a CVS card and I lent her mine, and she got the sales and I ended up with $5. ECB. She couldn't usse it because my name was on it and you need a card to redeem it. Relieved that I found it.

Easter holidays came a bit earlier for me.

April 5th, 2010 at 04:50 pm

I haven't checked in for a while. I had my son and two granddaughters at my house last week. All had been sick and I probably had some kind of bug in my system prior to their visit. So, I have been sick since they left on Friday.

Anyway, we went to a children's playground, to the zoo the next day, dinner out that night and to the Beach the next day. Even though they didn't stay for Easter, It felt like it. There are times when they come during Dec and we celebrate the holiday meals here and I have the memory as if they were here for the holiday.

It's such a joy to have them here. I just don't have the energy I once had to chase them around or play with them.

But, I do hope that everyone had a nice Easter and that my Jewish friends had a nice passover.

March 25th, 2010 at 07:37 pm