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$4/1 WhollyGuacamole coupon

November 9th, 2010 at 04:04 pm

If you go to facebook and search for whollyguacamole, you can download a $4. coupon after signing up. You have to click coupons.

Coupons and how to find them

March 13th, 2010 at 01:09 am

I read on Jeffrey Strain's blog about ssving time by not clipping your coupons but insread of keeping your entire sales insert intact until you were ready to use the coupons.

I thought that was insane until I tried it. In the past, I would clip the coupons that I thought that I would use and would throw out the rest. I have found out that there were many coupons that came into the the different sales flyers that would have been been free had I kept them. I have thrown away alot of money.

What I do now is to put a date or dates on the top of the flyer when it comes to my newspaper or date that I received it in the mail. There were items that I would never have used but after going to other websites and seeing what would be free or minimal after purchase, I changed my mind.

There are particular brands that you know you will buy and you should just clip them.

My favorite website is I live in the SouthEast and it is a great resource. Even if you don't live there, you can still download the coupons according to your zip code. I find out free codes for movies, free deals for restaurants, grocers sales flyers, etc.

The next best website for me is HotCouponWorld. I go to the website, and go to a section that is called coupon data base. Click it. Type in the brand that you are looking for and it will list the different ways and lists that you can find the coupon.

If I can't find a coupon, I sometimes go to the manufacturer of the product that I'm looking for. Georgia Pacific makes Angel Soft Bathroom Tissue and Sparkle Paper Towels.